Thursday, September 18, 2014

Students Learning Online Ethics

When I started to read about online ethics and the definition of ethics provided by Merriam-Webster, it truly struck a chord for me as an instructor of 4th graders implementing technology in the classroom. Over the past few years, our academy has been implementing technology use campus-wide with the long-term goal of one-to-one iPads for 4th -12th graders. Well, this is the year!

During these years, we have strived to create a save technology community for our students by creating guidelines and informing them of the best practices when online for educational purposes. In order to complete this mission, we created a technology committee that created posters and videos that shared our technology mission statement. We have also included rules and guidelines for internet and iPad use within our student handbooks. Additionally, educating our faculty and staff on what is expected from our students has been a focus on professional development afternoons.

If students know what is expected of them, their behaviors are better. This results in quality work and time spent in classrooms. Poor choices are made less often as students are not testing their boundaries because they already know what they are. Posters were created for each classroom so that they can be referred to when necessary and students to do not have any reason to not be held responsible.

According to UCF instructors, it is important provide information about academic integrity. They emphasize this focus in their Student Conduct video. The instructors use adjectives like being “clear” and “vigilant” about their expectations of students. They understand the importance of providing clear expectations about cheating, plagiarism and other tech-related policies in the classroom. The syllabus is a great place to provide the information for students to refer back to. Some instructors teach the information and then test on it. This way, they have covered the material and ensure the fact that all students have heard the information as well.

How universities establish and model their expectations is something we can learn from. After I provide the information found on our classroom poster (versus a syllabus), I can quiz my students on the information. This way, it ensures they have all viewed the expectations of our class. Lastly, all expectations will be included in our student handbook as part of our school conduct.

As for plagiarism, it is difficult for students in 4th grade to entirely wrap their minds around that concept. However, this is the perfect age to start introducing the topic especially since their time spent researching online has greatly increased. Robert Harris states in his article about Anti-Plagiarism Strategies for Research Papers “students simply do not know what plagiarism is” (2013). This is why it is important to start introducing citing and plagiarism to them while they are young. Last year, my teaching partner and I started having one of our upper school AP English teachers visit us to discuss this topic and its importance. Then, our students were required to start citing their reading anthology on their weekly reading assessment. This was a great first step for them to get acclimated to the process.


UCF (2011) Academic integrity. Retrieved from

Harris, R. (2013, December 27). Evaluating internet research sources. Retrieved from

Friday, September 12, 2014

Blogging in a 4th Grade Classroom-

After watching the video Blogs in Plain English, I have been inspired by and exposed to how blogs work and how useful they actually are. The video does a good job at explaining that blogs are a way to share news. And really, any kind of information is considered news from gardening ideas to a student’s day at school. Anything you decide to write a blog about, there is someone out there who will be interested in reading it.

At this point, I have only barely skimmed the surface of blogging in my 4th grade classroom. Using an online communication platform similar to Facebook, Schoology, our class has been linked in our own course. There is a blogging option on Schoology where students can type blogs as well as follow each other. I started using Schoology’s blogging option when our class started participating in Mystery Skypes in the spring. Each time, there was a pair of students working together to share the news of our Skype session. Over time, students started to share information about exciting days in the science lab to time spent in enrichment classes. I was also able to increase participation when I asked fellow faculty, staff and administration to start following the blogs of my students. Writing for an audience really ­­–encouraged them to write more!

After reading an article called: “Blogging? It’s Elementary my Dear Watson!” I have had my eyes opened to all of the benefits of classroom blogging in the elementary setting. The article explains that blogs aren’t only for sharing news, but also for sharing thoughts and feelings. Also, because of the option of a vast audience, students tend to focus more on proper writing mechanics such as punctuation, spelling and grammar. Blogging is the perfect way for students to take advantage for more writing time and experience. 

*This blog was inspired by my mind map from


Jackson, L. (2012). Blogging? It's elementary my dear watson! Retrieved from